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The Rest of Rome


sunny 37 °C
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After our first day exploring the Vatican City, the following day was spent at the Colosseum and Roman Forum.



Meeting up again with my aunt and cousin we entered the Colosseum taking a look round the huge complex before heading for gelato in the midday sun.

Inside the Colosseum

Inside the Colosseum

After grabbing a cool drink in a nearby restaurant, we then headed across the road from the Colosseum, and into the Roman Forum, where there were great views over the ruins of the heart of Roman government.

Roman Forum

Roman Forum

After another hot day in the sun, we headed back to our hotel. The following day we decided to take easier. We got up later and headed north towards the Spanish Steps.

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

After walking down the steps we walked past the buildings of what remains of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, before another gelato in Piazza del Popolo. After a long day in the sun we headed up into the Borghese Gardens for a bit of shade, and views over the north of the city.

Overlooking Piazza del Popolo

Overlooking Piazza del Popolo

After heading back to the hotel for a few hours we then met up with my aunt and cousin who had gone on a wine tour, to have dinner on what also happened to be my cousin's birthday. We had a last catch up over pizza before saying goodbye to them both for the rest of their trip around Italy. We then headed to the Vatican quickly for night time views of St. Peter's Square, before heading back to the hotel for our last night in Rome.

Vatican by night

Vatican by night

Checking out of the hotel after breakfast we headed into the heart of Rome, starting off at the Quirinal Palace before walking down to the Trevi Fountain. This was the first time I'd got to see it, despite having been to the fountain before - as the previous time it had been covered in scaffolding. It was busy but truly stunning.

Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain

Walking past the Temple of Hadrian, we arrived at the Pantheon, which we also took a look around.



After cooling down inside, we made our way over the Piazza Navona for our last gelato, before crossing the River Tiber, taking in beautiful views of the Vatican.

Views of the Vatican

Views of the Vatican

Resting along the river bank with views of Castel Sant'Angelo the sun started to be masked by the clouds and there was also a bit of a breeze, giving us a bit of rest from the radiant heat.

Castel Sant'Angelo

Castel Sant'Angelo

After a nice sit down, we headed back into the city, crossing the river and heading down to Piazza Venezia for views of the Altar of the Fatherland.

Altar of the Fatherland

Altar of the Fatherland

The last place we saw was the Trajan column, before walking back to our hotel, to rest and gradually get our bits together before our late flight home.

Trajan Column

Trajan Column

With temperatures over 35˚C every day, plus humidity making it more like the early 40s, it was quite a tiring holiday, despite having more than ample time to see everything! Nevertheless it was a good weekend seeing a very interesting city.


Posted by kmmk17 04:28 Archived in Italy Tagged ruins river city sun roman

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As your photos prove there is a lot to see in Rome. It's a fascinating and beautiful city. I've been twice and would go again. Although as you found out I would try for a cooler season. Both of my visits it was very hot also.

by littlesam1

Definitely. Autumn or Spring is probably the most enjoyable experience!

by kmmk17

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